Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Camp Pictures!

We're home from camp and exhausted! Nothing like chasing around a 16 month old all weekend while outdoors and no fences or doors to close to keep her somewhat in your eyesight. Just out in the wide open to run free...she had a blast! We on the other hand had a good time but found it hard to really sit and visit with others but oh well...there's always next time. Caroline did really well on the plane ride....we took along lots of things to keep her still. We got to meet lots of other families who have adopted through Abrazo, see friends we already knew, and visit with her birthfamily. Overall, it was a great trip and we're glad we went even though it wore us out!

Momma and Caroline on the playground!

Daddy helping Caroline on the stairs!

Checking out the teepee.

Clapping along to songs from the guest musician!

Opening a present from her birth grandmom!

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