Thursday, September 18, 2008

Girls just wanna have fun!

I met Christina, Jodi, and Lindsay while our husbands were in med school together. I know I could NOT have survived living so far from home, Stephen being best friends with his cadaver, and his non stop studying without these girlfriends! We instantly hit it off and have been such close friends ever since. We all had to move away from each other when our husbands all started residency and that's been tough but we have gotten together every year for a girls trip. This year we went to Temple, TX to Christina's house and we arrived there in TX on the day she turned was special getting to spend the day with her on her birthday! We laughed A LOT, went out to eat, shopped, got pedicures, and spent time on the lake. It was a great trip!

(I somehow couldn't delete this photo...I was trying to rotate it! Christina picking up me and Lindsay from the airport....yes, I made her wear a tacky necklace and carry that sign!)

At little "dream" jewelry shopping! I'll take one of these and one of those!

Out to dinner to celebrate Christina's birthday!

A day at the spa....what could be better?!?!

I was in need of the spa after I did this!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Love the pics!! Glad you girls had a great time :)