Saturday, September 4, 2010

There are so many things I could say about our yard sale today. It was nothing short of amazing. We started taking donations a few weeks ago and as my house and garage starting filling up with items I knew that it was going to be big. I just didn't know it was going to be this big. At 5am this morning Stephen and I along with a few dear friends(and I do mean DEAR) began setting up shop and shortly after the people came. And came. And came.

My prayer for this sale was that we would raise $1,000. When we totaled it all up we made......$1,219. WOW!!

We cannot say thank you enough to our sweet friends and family. We had a truck and trailer loaned to us, we had help loading and unloading furniture, we had help pricing and organizing, we had help with food provided while we were working, we had help with tables to display stuff....okay I'll stop but I think you get the picture.

God is so awesome! It makes me think of the song I learned as a little girl in children's church...

"My God is so BIG. So strong and so mighty. There's nothing my God cannot do!!!"