Tuesday, May 25, 2010


We are going tomorrow to the adoption agency for our first interview to begin our homestudy process. All of our paperwork for the most part has been turned in. Donations keep rolling in a little at a time and we keep getting closer to our goal. It's just amazing really. People who we don't even really know who are buying shirts or making donations. Only God could do that!

We are heading out Saturday on a getaway for our anniversary and it cannot come soon enough!! I am so ready to have some time away with Stephen to just relax and hang out just the two of us. We'll be celebrating our 10 year anniversary. We have a lot to celebrate as God has blessed us so much over these last 10 years!!

Once we get back in town then it's time to begin working on our PROFILE. This is the book we will make that birthmoms will look through in order to choose an adoptive family for her baby. If you wold be so kind as to pray for some creative juices to start flowing because they are not and I'm gonna need some! I'm just not feelin' it....but it's gotta get done!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

He Just Keeps Showing Up!

Okay, the check just came from Chick-Fil-A and it was $100 more dollars than it was supposed to be! God is SO GOOD! It's completely unbelievable how little by little the funds for our adoption just keep rolling in! I talked with the owner for awhile on the phone and he asked lots of questions about our adoption and seemed to really care....even though he runs a business and could have written the check for exactly what we raised....he chose to be generous and give more!! The note that was with the check read....

Congrats on your decision to adopt. May this be a wonderful time of blessing for you and yours. Hope the extra helps!!

The wonderful owner of Chick-Fil-A
(he really signed his name but I didn't ask him if I could share it here)

So that brings our new Chick-Fil-A total to 1,080!! Remember my goal was 1,000 that I prayed for so God of course gave us more!! Why would I think otherwise, especially since the verse we have been praying for this adoption is Ephesians 3:20 which says "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us."

Monday, May 10, 2010

More Pics from Chick-Fil-A Night!

Chick-Fil-A Night

On Thursday night we had our Highpoint Family Night at Chick-Fil-A and LOTS of our friends, family, and church family came out to support us! The kids had a blast playing in the play area and getting their faces painted and the adults had fun too and got to visit for a little while. It was such a fun night and I think Caroline was just on overload the whole night. She didn't really understand how she knew everyone in the whole restaurant...church friends, other friends, and family all in the same place on the same night. I didn't remember to take pictures until the very end of the night so the only pictures I have are from the late crew who were still around. So, everyone has been dying to know how much money we raised so here is our total. Drum roll please...........$980!!! That's almost 1,000 dollars! Some of that is in t-shirt sales and donations...our goal was to raise 1,000 for the night in food purchases, t-shirt sales, and donations and we almost made it!

Some of you have asked where we are in the process as far as the adoption goes. We turned in our first round of paperwork about 3 weeks ago and we will get started on our homestudy soon. Then we will begin working on our profile(scrapbook) and once that is turned in we will officially be on the waiting list! So, hopefully all that will be done by late June and then any time after that we could be bringing home a baby!!

We just want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!! We continue to be in awe of God's faithfulness to us!