Friday, June 3, 2011

The Phone Call

Well, we got the call that we've been waiting on now for....oh...I don't even know how long! Our adoption agency called and told us that a birthmom has chosen us and she is due IN THREE WEEKS!!! We are shocked, excited, nervous, shocked, thrilled, giddy, get the idea!

Please pray for this birthmom in her final weeks of pregnancy that God would prepare her heart for the very hard days....possibly the hardest days of her whole come. We are hoping to meet her within the next couple of weeks so we are excited about that. Also, please pray for us as we continue to move forward with this adoption plan, knowing that there are no guarantees but that God knows what's best and gives what's best.

So in the meantime....we are doing what we've been doing for months and months now which is pray and hope and wait! Oh yeah, and heading to the beach for a week! YIKES! Which will then just give us two weeks until the due date!!