Saturday, June 28, 2008


There have been times when I did not think this day would ever come. That I would be a mother first of all and that we would be a family of three. (For those of you who do not our story, Stephen and I struggled with infertility and were blessed with our sweet Caroline through adoption in April of 2007) Next, that Stephen would ever be finished with medschool/residency. (That process only took 7 years) And last but certainly not least, that I would become a stay at home mom. (That one has been 31 years in the making) Growing up there were no visions, goals, or dreams for my future that didn't involve me being a mother. It's what I've always wanted to do and I have been blessed with the opportunity to be a mother to the sweetest little girl in the whole world!
So, yes the time has finally come.......we are a family of three, Stephen is finished with the long journey of training to become a doctor, and I am officially a stay at home mom.....and it feels so right!

God has been so faithful through it all and we give Him all the glory!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I'm trying again!

So, I tried a few months ago to start this blog and didn't quite have the inspiration needed at the time to keep it going. As you can see from that post, I started it right after we came back from San Antonio and had just watched the Tigers lose the national championship game. What was I thinking?? I think I have just now gotten over the loss and I feel a little inspired now.(and I received a friendly little nudge from my dear friend Heather) Hopefully I will do a better job of keeping up with it and keeping all of my friends and family informed of all the happenings in the Stancil household! Stay tuned......